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Arab Bank's website contains a list of all of the Bank's subsidiaries and affiliates in addition to its sister company. Entities not listed as part of "Arab Bank Group" and which claim through their websites, expressly or impliedly, any connection or association with Arab Bank is completely outside the Arab Bank’s control. Arab Bank accepts no liability for the accuracy, completeness and/or legality of the content of such websites and for any offers of products and services contained therein.”

The Arab Bank is not responsible for any advertisements that may be posted on the internet or any other media, identifying bank accounts allegedly maintained by the Bank's branches, and appealing for donations to be made into these specified accounts, for the benefit of defined parties and causes, irrespective of the poster of the advertisements and the causes mentioned therein.

In the event that Arab Bank agrees to the opening or usage of any account maintained by any of its branches, for accepting public donations, Arab Bank shall post all details pertaining to such an account on its website. The Arab Bank website shall be the exclusive source of such information.

The Bank urges third parties who become aware of any activity or advertisement asking the public to make any contributions to an account allegedly maintained at Arab Bank, to contact the Bank immediately to ascertain the said account's accuracy and validity.